[경제] 미국 책값이 다른 나라보다 비싼 이유
원서가 비싼 이유 / 원서가 한국에서 싼 이유 / 우리나라에서 원서가 싼이유 / 미국 책값이 비싼 이유
처음에는 우리나라같은 나라가 저렴한 것이라 생각했는데, 우리나라가 맞는 가격이고, 미국이 이상하게 비싸게 받는 듯 하다. 여튼 관련해서 2개의 기사를 찾았다. 대략 읽어보면 도움이 될 듯 하다.
아래는 미국외의 나라에서 가격이 싼 이유를 설명하는 글만 발췌했다.
That is changing, though. To the despair of the textbook publishers who are still trying to block such sales, the reimporting of American texts from overseas has become far easier in recent years, thanks both to Internet sites that offer instant access to foreign book prices, and to a 1998 Supreme Court ruling that federal copyright law does not protect American manufacturers from having the products they arranged to sell overseas at a discount shipped back for sale in the United States.
None of the three major textbook publishers -- Pearson, McGraw Hill, and Thomson -- would discuss why overseas prices are so much lower than domestic ones, referring all questions to Allen Adler, the lawyer for the American Association of Publishers.
''This is a season when textbook publishers get kicked around a lot, and they're feeling vulnerable,'' Mr. Adler said. ''The practice of selling U.S. products abroad at prices keyed to the local market is longstanding. It's not unusual, it doesn't violate public policy and it's certainly not illegal. But publishers are still coming to terms with the dramatic change in the law.''
Mr. Adler contends that foreign textbook prices are pegged to the per capita income and economic conditions of the destination countries -- and that foreign sales are a boon to America's standing in the world, to foreign students seeking an American-quality education, and even to American consumers, since each extra copy sold overseas, even at a low price, helps to spread the high costs of putting out a new textbook.
There are no penalties for students who import books for their own use, under a 1998 Supreme Court decision that ruled that manufacturers who sell goods more cheaply overseas than in the United States have no protection against having their products sold back to the American market. But businesses or individuals who buy books for resale outside India could face prosecution for copyright infringement.
The textbooks are printed legally in India under copyright arrangements worked out over the last decade by American and British publishers. Using tax breaks and cheap labor, Indian companies publish the books in black-and-white, low-quality paperback editions, and sell them for as little as 10 percent of the cost of the same book in the United States. But under the licensing agreement, the books may be sold only on the Indian subcontinent and in surrounding countries — limits that are stamped on the books' covers.[ref. 2]
지난 10년간 미국과 영국 출판사들이 저작권협의 아래 인도에서 textbook 들을 합법적으로 찍어냈다. 세금우대와 값산 노동력을 이용해서, 인도회사들은 흑백컬러, 저품질의 paperback 으로 책들을 발행했다. 그래서 미국에서 팔리는 같은 책의 10% 가격으로 팔았다. 그러나 라이센스 협약에서는 이 책들은 인도 아대륙(Indian subcontinent) 와 주변나라에만 팔 수 있다.
미국 책값이 다른 나라보다 비싼 이유
미국의 책값은 엄청 비싸다. 미국인들도 그것을 인지하고 있는 듯 하다. 약간 우리나라 전자제품이나, 현대자동차와 같은 듯 하다.처음에는 우리나라같은 나라가 저렴한 것이라 생각했는데, 우리나라가 맞는 가격이고, 미국이 이상하게 비싸게 받는 듯 하다. 여튼 관련해서 2개의 기사를 찾았다. 대략 읽어보면 도움이 될 듯 하다.
아래는 미국외의 나라에서 가격이 싼 이유를 설명하는 글만 발췌했다.
That is changing, though. To the despair of the textbook publishers who are still trying to block such sales, the reimporting of American texts from overseas has become far easier in recent years, thanks both to Internet sites that offer instant access to foreign book prices, and to a 1998 Supreme Court ruling that federal copyright law does not protect American manufacturers from having the products they arranged to sell overseas at a discount shipped back for sale in the United States.
None of the three major textbook publishers -- Pearson, McGraw Hill, and Thomson -- would discuss why overseas prices are so much lower than domestic ones, referring all questions to Allen Adler, the lawyer for the American Association of Publishers.
''This is a season when textbook publishers get kicked around a lot, and they're feeling vulnerable,'' Mr. Adler said. ''The practice of selling U.S. products abroad at prices keyed to the local market is longstanding. It's not unusual, it doesn't violate public policy and it's certainly not illegal. But publishers are still coming to terms with the dramatic change in the law.''
Mr. Adler contends that foreign textbook prices are pegged to the per capita income and economic conditions of the destination countries -- and that foreign sales are a boon to America's standing in the world, to foreign students seeking an American-quality education, and even to American consumers, since each extra copy sold overseas, even at a low price, helps to spread the high costs of putting out a new textbook.
There are no penalties for students who import books for their own use, under a 1998 Supreme Court decision that ruled that manufacturers who sell goods more cheaply overseas than in the United States have no protection against having their products sold back to the American market. But businesses or individuals who buy books for resale outside India could face prosecution for copyright infringement.
The textbooks are printed legally in India under copyright arrangements worked out over the last decade by American and British publishers. Using tax breaks and cheap labor, Indian companies publish the books in black-and-white, low-quality paperback editions, and sell them for as little as 10 percent of the cost of the same book in the United States. But under the licensing agreement, the books may be sold only on the Indian subcontinent and in surrounding countries — limits that are stamped on the books' covers.[ref. 2]
지난 10년간 미국과 영국 출판사들이 저작권협의 아래 인도에서 textbook 들을 합법적으로 찍어냈다. 세금우대와 값산 노동력을 이용해서, 인도회사들은 흑백컬러, 저품질의 paperback 으로 책들을 발행했다. 그래서 미국에서 팔리는 같은 책의 10% 가격으로 팔았다. 그러나 라이센스 협약에서는 이 책들은 인도 아대륙(Indian subcontinent) 와 주변나라에만 팔 수 있다.

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